- Nowi oligarchowie zarabiają na wojnie w Ukrainie. W okupowanym przez Rosję kraju rosną fortuny – Money.pl
- Josep Borrell Fontelles na Twitterze: „Another Russian missile strike contributing to the global food crisis. Russian forces have destroyed the second biggest grain terminal in #Ukraine, in #Mykolaiv. In light of such reports, the disinformation spread by Putin deflecting blame becomes ever more cynical. #StoptheWar” / Twitter
- Kwestia polsko-ukraińskiego państwa federacyjnego
- Germany is offering Poland outdated tanks that need modernization, says military expert
- Jarosław Kaczyński na konwencji PiS: musimy być kontynuatorami dzieła i myśli Lecha Kaczyńskiego | Polska Agencja Prasowa SA
- Verhofstadt i eurokraci chcą odwołać von der Leyen za przyznanie Polsce pieniędzy z KPO – blog Salon24 news
- Top Countries in World 2022
- Shanghai’s coronavirus cases fall to the lowest since March 20 as city keeps community infections at zero | South China Morning Post
- Bundestag Vice-President demands new pandemic legislation that will enable a return to mask, test and vaccine requirements in the Fall
- Will the War in Ukraine End the Polish-Hungarian Alliance? | RealClearWorld
- China mined a record amount of coal in 2021. It might produce even more this year – CNN
- Makro dotacje i mikro efekty budowy internetu szerokopasmowego w woj. lubelskim – Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
- US FDA flags risk of heart inflammation after Novavax COVID vaccine
- Study Finds Athlete Deaths Are 1,700% Higher Than Expected Since Covid-19 Vaccination Began | The Paradise News
- Coup de théâtre : l’OMS reconnaît officiellement que ses gros chiffres sur la mortalité Covid étaient faux – Le courrier du soir
- Multi-country outbreak of Monkeypox virus: genetic divergence and first signs of microevolution – Monkeypox / Genome Reports – Virological
- (PDF) May 2022 : Peculiar Evolution of the Monkeypox Virus Genomes
- Quelques vérités sur le Paxlovid. – Covid faits et chiffres
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/studies-link-incurable-prion-disease-with-covid-19-vaccine_4511204.html?fbclid=IwAR0LLXpc-L9LECKOuB7OcOWxkh410nscroDnzXgRZ8vxpCM1g8budeWLh-I
- Advances in neuroscience ‘may threaten human rights’ | Nature
- Parents of the future will raise 'virtual children’ inside the metaverse because they’re cheaper and tidier | The Sun
- Wirusolog ostro o lekarzach, którzy szerzą nieprawdziwe informacje o szczepieniach – Zdrowie Wprost
- FUREY: The Emergencies Act inquiry isn’t looking good for Trudeau | Toronto Sun
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